What a difference just four days away makes! I had a trip down to DC and Philly, and when I left on Tuesday morning, the trees didn’t have leaves on them. Spring sprung while I was gone. It was such a beautiful day today. The temps in the 60s, so a little chilly. We had just a touch of rain overnight, which cleared out the hot weather we’d had all week.
There’s even a bloom on the rhododendron [PJM Rhododendron, acid loving, partial sun to shade, cold hardiness to -25]. I wasn’t sure any of these new plants were going to bloom this summer. I’m still really unsure about the forsythia. I think that blooms on the old growth, and since it’s just a baby, I don’t think it *has* any old growth on it to bloom on.
The bulbs are starting to come up everywhere. We’ve seen tulips, daffs, iris, lilies, hyacinth. None of them blooming right now. I guess those crocuses I saw last weekend are really short bloomers. They were cute little things, though.
I haven’t given up completely on the new lawn. I guess I was just being too impatient. It’s definitely starting to sprout, in some areas much better than in others. There’s no question that it’ll still need a significant re-seeding, but it’s looking more green than dingy gray now. There are cute little baby blades popping up all over.