More window boxes

I’m so busy out in the garden right now. I’ve still got four flats of perennials to get in the ground. I’m working in the bed in the front of the house, on the side of the porch. It’s pretty shady in this bed, so I’m putting in a lot of columbine toward the middle, and hosta around the edges.

I still haven’t figured out how to line it where it meets the gravel driveway, though. I’m sort of hoping that the hosta will be enough of a barrier, but somehow I doubt that will work. Anything short of a stone wall will get killed by the snow plow, though, so I need to think.

052902_003.jpg The window boxes look great out there, now that they are finally out of the basement and where they belong. I just love the electric blue of the lobelia, draping over the edges.

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