Mom, this lady called and said you said she could come over and see the garden. Um, okay. I don’t remember that, except maybe back at the garden tour, but I certainly don’t remember a specific date. I’ve been gone all week, the garden needs to be watered, but sure, drop on by at 2.
But you know, if you were going to pick any week to show up to see the garden, this is the right one. There is so much in bloom, so many colors. Though it was threatening to rain all day and a bit hazy, not to mention incredibly hot, I’m not sure that there’s been a better time all year.
My pathway above the pond, lined by stone, that takes you up to the back of the gazebo looks gorgeous all lines with blooming star gazer lilies. These guys are doing really well, and it looks just like I’d envisioned it would. So pretty! It feels luxurious just to walk along there. I usually only saw these in fancy flower arrangements when I was in the hospital or something.
The window boxes that I planted veggies in are doing surprisingly well. It’s hard to believe, but my lettuce hasn’t bolted, even with all this dreadful heat. And dreadful it is. I’m wilting, damn it, even if my lettuce isn’t. I think there must be enough shade from the trees on that side of the house to stay cool enough for the lettuce. Maybe it gets better air circulation because it’s up high? Fresh lettuce all year round is great.
The carrots are coming along nicely, as are the onions. The tomatoes are divine. We have sun gold and cuidad victoria, two cherry tomatoes that are very different, and prolific so far. Yum. Next year, hopefully, I’ve have a real veggie patch, instead of having to only do window boxes. But to be honest, the boxes are great. About the right amount, and just out the door…
The flowers in the upper balcony window boxes are doing pretty good as well. Not too shabby, considering I cut them back hard two weeks ago. When I was out there this evening, the air was so heavy, just before a huge storm, and I felt like it was going to pour any second. I particularly like the weeping purple lantana, even more than the red and yellow, but they all seem to be handling the summer heat just fine.
The trick to keep these johnny jump-ups going all year has been to cut them back ruthlessly every other week or so.
What’s left of the lavender is still looking pretty. I haven’t cut it back or anything yet because I’ve never grown this before, so I’m still learning what to do. Should I let it go to seed so it spreads?
I really like the combination of my red glads and gorgeous clematis finally in bloom and happily climbing the pergola. Madame Hardy is planted right in that same area, but she has no buds yet at all. Lots of vigorous growth, though. I wonder if I need to change what I’m doing, which is mostly adding lots of compost?