Lisa and I have been making our living more or less on the road since we came back here in 1999. Just this month, several things have come together to let us get serious about getting off the road, working together again, and making our living from ‘here’.’ The non technical stuff will be cogitated on in Crustimony Proseedcake, I just signed myself up for a 400 level course in web geeking. That will get talked about here.
One of the things is winning two photography contests. That and warm feedback from friends and relations has convinced us to start selling prints and notecards and… online. We’ve registered and the site will start answering today.
I am thus now shopping for a storefront. RSN there’ll be an entry about that. It’s also time to start looking to replace MovableType. I think we’re still inside the license terms, but RSN we’d need to switch to a commercial license. Unfortunately because Six Apart has take vendor funding and is jockeying to go commercial, I don’t have warm fuzzies about depending on them. No problem with the $150 or morally with closed source, but the booby trapped license (it allowed retroactive changes, which they made to disallow hosting MoveableType for others) they had for a while didn’t make me happy, and now I’m concerned that TypePad is where their action is going to be. Anyway, I’m looking for alternative weblogging in particular and sitebuilding/cms in general software
So there I am, looking to upgrade two major chunks of the Vast Richards Web Empire (TM and SM).