The first big snow storm of the season

CRW_0241_JFR.jpgWell, the forecasts for this storm ranged from six inches to three feet, so I was prepared for the worst. I think we probably got just over two feet. It was very windy, though, so there was a lot of blowing snow and very high drifts, so it’s really hard to tell.

CRW_0244_JFR.jpg It was deep enough that a friend got stuck in the driveway! Frank had a lot of fun trying to use his truck to pull her out, then the truck got stuck.

They got them all cleared before the plowguy showed up. I watched him carefully, to see if the new shape of our garden beds was going to be plowed over, but it seems to be holding up okay.

I keep thinking that all this snow is very very good for all of my plants. Think of all that insulation! I’ve got a dozen new plants at least that I’m a bit worried about them making through the winter, so I really want there to be a lot of good snow cover this year. Bring it on.

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