PHPMyAdmin HTTP validation infinite loop

I set out a couple days ago to install PHPMyAdmin on bunter, the main webserver. (This iin preparation for getting OsCommerce which has no user interface of it’s own going.

The default configuration involves putting a superuser password for MySQL into the config file. A simple workaround would have been to goto httpd.conf and only let the firewall machine into PHPMyAdmin. Unfortunately we travel just enough that that didn’t seem adequate.

So, I told PHPMyAdmin to use http authentication, and then when challenged entered login rather than MySQL credentials. Well, I misunderstood, and went and put Basic Authentication on the PHPMyAdmin directory through httpd.conf as well. At this point I figured out the credential maze, and went through it, giving appropiate credentials to both Apache and PHPMyAdmin.

Guess what happened. An infinite loop happened. Somehow the two authentications are blowing what passes for the mind of PHPMyAdmin. After several hours of hair tearing over three days, (I’ve got a living to earn) I thought to put the password back in the config file, and everything is working fine.

Sheesaroonies dudes. Yes, I did something stupid. But the result should have been that I had to enter two userid/password pairs in a row, not that PHPMyAdmin went down in flames.

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