Bulbs and Brush

121_2153_JFR.jpgWe finally attacked the bed where I want all of the new bulbs to go. I was dreading it, but it wasn’t that bad. We pulled all of the glads and dahlias, and I’m amazed at how great that soil is. This is the new bed I did this spring, with the lasagna method and all that. It was full of earth worms, too, so it seems to be working really well.

121_2162_JFR.jpgFrank finally got his tractor back yesterday (YAY!!!), so I even got him to help me tackle the end I ignored in the spring, and we finally pulled out everything at that end, including the ratty forsythia that I really hated, and all the weeds that were tangled up with it. The bindweed in this bed was really awfully impressive, unfortunately.

121_2170_JFR.jpgSo now that bed looks much more like it was planned, and like that stone wall has been there all along, instead of being new this spring. We filled it up with sifted topsoil as well, evening it all up a bit, and then covered it with some mulch, which pile is almost gone.

121_2179_JFR.jpgWe are moving the fence around back on the septic fence to give the girls some new grazing areas. It’s amazing how quickly they’ll go through an area of brambles and weeds. They know now when I go out there and start messing with the fence, it means new yummies are on the way, and they are so eager. We almost have to have one person distract them with treats while the other adjust the fence. But they are doing great at attacking the brush, which is exactly why we got them.

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