I love our horses.

Broken window in the coop Doesn’t it look like she is saying “what’s in here, Mom?” This girl is trouble! She is so curious, so brave, so loves to be naughty. She almost giggles at this game, and it is very easy to get her to play. All I have to do is go check for eggs, and there she is! She doesn’t walk up to me in person, but rushes round to her spot to watch me, and she never actually goes in the window with the eggs.

She was out again this morning, sigh, with the leaping and running around in circles. Pearl was Not Amused.

This picture so summarizes the reality of this farm. A coop made out of particle board and salvaged windows, with one broken, and a naughty critter. That’s my farm in a nutshell.

Oh, well. We love it anyway. We love the horses, we love the sheep, the pigs are fun, Miss Misty the llama, and even the bees. And don’t forget the chickens, though they are probably doubting that, or not appreciating the double entendre.

Just taking a walk We took all three horses on a walk over the weekend in a fruitless search for mushrooms, and what fun that was, though we didn’t find any mushrooms. Prince and Pearl are so eager to get out on stretch, and Miss Polly followed along like a trooper. She loved the open road, and the freedom to be able to run ahead, leap and shout, break suddenly and spin, the goofball. That was all fine and well, except when she got between Pearl and Prince instead of out in front. I’d started to jog with Prince, and she saw and followed and spooked him. I nearly got kicked in the head, ack.

Polly and Bjarki We put them out on the septic field one day last week, left them out there over night. What good lawn mowers they are. That was Polly’s first time following, and we made it work, eventually, but was tricky. Prince and Pearl were so eager to get to the grass that Pearl wasn’t calling to Polly. Polly was so busy playing with the puppy that she wasn’t paying attention to her mama. She stopped following, lost sight of them, and when Frank ran in front of her to go grab something, she followed him, so he turn around and ran back in. It worked! Funny, but a bit scary with these huge Percherons. I keep remembering how I got dragged and knocked out when I took the draft horse workshop.

What a trip.

1 thought on “I love our horses.”

  1. My sheep catching trip up here was August 10-11 last year, and the black trumpets were everywhere. Also, I’m not sure combining horses and shrooming is going to work too well. They’re too much of a handful to combine with a basket of mushrooms.


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