Decisions, decisions

After five days in the hospital, I am finally back home. What a pain in the ass, literally (!), this has been. With a direct blow to my lower back, the damage took a lot of tricky fiddling to figure out how to treat me. It was days before I could move without screaming in agony. They finally put meds and steroids directly into my ass at the “trigger spots”. After doing that several times, I was okay enough to come home. I can now sort of function, as long as I don’t bend or twist at all. I still can’t lift anything. Frank is working from home and between he and Aaron, they are handling all of the farm chores.

Miguel and his sons We have to decide what to do about Miguel. He’s threatened me on previous years, and then I just flipped him on his back to establish dominance and that took care of it, though I was always careful to not turn my back to him during the fall rut. This year I forgot and paid dearly for it. He sure has pretty babies, and none of the aggressiveness in him comes through to his babies, or he’d already be sausage. During the rest of the year, he isn’t aggressive at all. I so love his coloring. I’d love an entire flock that beautiful shade of brown. Well, half the flock, anyway.

2 thoughts on “Decisions, decisions”

  1. Now that’s he’s done this and gotten away with it, he may try it again more readily, even when not in breeding season. And you’re not going to be able to flip him on his back for a long time to come. If you have kept some of his offspring, you have his genes – you don’t need him, or the constant worry. Just my two cents.

  2. Sorry to hear of your injury. Just wanted to post get well wishes and thank you for years of enjoyable reading and inspiration from your website and blog.


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