Pigs gone walkabout

Pigs gone walkaboutThe piggy girls got out when I went to the doctor yesterday. I came home to find Frank out herding pigs, and I couldn’t get in front of them with the dogs to drive them back the right way. My stupid knees just aren’t up to running through the brush in the woods. I had to hope that if I left them alone, they’d come home, wagging their tails behind them.

But after noon, we hadn’t seen them, so went off to track them through the woods during Frank’s lunch hour. We didn’t find them, and I spent much of the afternoon looking for them sporadically with the pups. The pups really enjoyed being out there so much. What fun they had.

Prodigal Pigs return The pigs showed up home early last evening, right at supper time. They’d traveled about a mile through our woods, almost making a full circle. They went up Mack Hill Road, down a logging trail, stopping at every mud puddle along the way. They passed the beaver damn, and crossed just above it. They then bush-whacked through the woods around the swamp, coming out of the woods on the other end of Mack Hill Road, by the village. We heard them in the woods, and Frank called out ‘let’s go home, girls,’ and they came running out, Minnie leading the charge. She knows what home means.

We slept really well last night. I’d been so worried about them. We really missed having them and hated thinking about life without my piggy girls.

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