Big Ear Year

First lamb Right in the middle of the rotten weather over the weekend, when it was alternatively raining really hard then snowing really hard with lots and lots of very strong wind, we had the first lamb of the season, of course. I just knew that was going to be the case. This was a first time mama and yet she still had that baby boy up, cleaned off and nursing within minutes. I love these Icelandic sheep. She could have had him in any of three sheds, but of course chose to do it right out in the open. Oy.

It's a girl! Ever since, I’ve been watching the sheepies extra carefully. The ewes all look wide enough to land an airplane on. We had a visitor (and customer) here today, and she got to see our second lamb of the season, this time a girl. I’m getting good enough that I could tell it was a girl from quite a ways away, from the back! I had to go check to be sure, of course. I noticed right away that this lamb had huge ears just like the first one.

Hanging out with mama The weather yesterday and today has just been absolutely glorious. Cold nights and warm days, big blue skies. Perfect sap weather! The puppies and I have been manning the evaporator all day long. I’m having so much fun with them. They are six weeks old now. They are pretty much potty trained, which is nice because I like to have them romping around my living room. I’ve been working on getting them to come on command, and that’s going pretty well, and just yesterday I started some “sit” training. Two of them still need homes. Pass the word!

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