Combatting late blight with compost tea

I read in the Keene Sentinel today that late blight has been spotted in both Massachusetts and Maine. It makes me just want to cry. My 75 heirloom tomato plants are taller than Frank, and the potatoes he finally got into the ground are thriving almost as well.

There are theories floating around the gardening world online and offline about ways to combat late blight. One of the ones I’ve been most intrigued with is one I had some success with last year. When you apply manure compost tea (like our Minnie’s Magic) as a foliar spray, the receptors in the plant’s leaves are filled with the good fungi and bacteria and are not able then to have the space to take in the blight spores.

I think I waited too late to start spraying last year, so this year I want to start when my plants are all healthy and before it gets widespread in our area.

I’m going to start a bunch of batches and get spraying. If you are in the Monadnock region and want to try some, give me a shout. I can deliver in the Keene area.

Let’s fight this with the good guys and see if it can help! Spray early, spray often.

Here’s all about Minnie’s Magic

1 thought on “Combatting late blight with compost tea”

  1. Love to order Minnie’s magic, don’t know how?
    Can you contact me? Tried before, didn’t work.
    Watch your blog every day and love all what your are doing.

    Grow tomatoes, grow.


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