Icelandic Chick sign up, 2014

Just for the record, we are a very small operation, a couple with one cabinet incubator here in Windsor, Vermont where it is very cold. We don’t sell any chicks except Icelandic Chickens, all pure, straight run.

Day old Icelandic chicks, straight run, 25 minimum, $8, plus overnight shipping and a special chick box.

For local pick up, there is no minimum. Write me for an appointment.

$25 non-refundable deposit to hold a spot on the list, must pay in full before we ship.

18 hatching eggs $50, includes postage. The box can hold up to 72 eggs. We use a foam insert. $1.50 per additional egg over 18. I always fit a few extra when I have them. The weather must be such that they won’t freeze in transit.

We can’t promise dates yet, because we’ll start the incubator in the spring when the eggs are no longer frozen and it’s warm enough to ship. That happens sometime in April or May reliably.

I might start earlier for local pick up. I’ve already hatched one set of chicks this year (March 1) but I’m keeping these myself to grow my flock. It seems I never have enough.

If you reserve a spot, I’ll let you know where you are on the list.

If something happens and you can’t take your spot, let me know as soon as possible, and I can usually just shuffle. Stuff happens, and I’d rather you were ready for them so they have the best shot at survival.

I’ll have pullets for $25 each, usually in mid-June, sometimes earlier. 3 minimum to ship, with a free boy of your choice if you respond quickly to email or message, or of my choice if I I need to pick and ship quickly.

Please join us on Facebook: Icelandic Chickens. It’s a support group for Icelandic chicken addicts.

The photo set of my birds is over 1200+ photos and documents their entire time with us. I keep track of dates and patterns and colors in the photo descriptions here. The category archive from our blog is here.

We are NPIP – Vermont VT15 The category for Icelandic is 1025.

4 thoughts on “Icelandic Chick sign up, 2014”

  1. Hi!
    Icelandics have been on my “short list” for a couple years…. Happy that you are in Windsor, as I am in Springfield VT. It will help that I won’t have to get 25 at a time!
    I am interested in small combed birds if you have some that tend to be that way. My main project this summer will be Silver Ameraucana, but would like a few other birds also. I might wait for started pullets, especially if you have some that might breed a smaller comb than some others.
    Thank you!
    Hope we can keep in touch!
    Chris K

  2. We live in pa but would be willing to drive out to pick up chicks. My husband is an Icelander and is very excited about having some Icelandic chicks.

    • You’re welcome to show up of course but even the closest part of Pennsylvania is a 5 hour drive. I’d really recommend making a weekend of it and picking up chicks on your way home.

      We’re a lot more flexible on pick ups because we’re not looking at the 48-72 hour out of the egg limit on shipping.


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