George, one each fantastic purebred Icelandic ram, for sale here in southwest New Hampshire:
This boy deserves to go off to be a herd sire for another farm.
I was there when he was born, a twin from Sue (JAGER RAM B3H 159K) and Kaytla (KIMBALL EWE M2H 105K), my leader ewe. Both boys were so big! Bigger than lambs born days earlier than them, but that’s the Sue/Kaytla combination. They breed huge boys. Friendly as all get out, too.
He’s a climber. He loves loves loves to be King of Whatever is the highest point around. He’s been that way since he was a baby, when he played King of the Boulders. He loves to sleep on top of our stone wall, looking all majestic.
He’s a leader, always out in front, right behind the older leaders, his mother Kaytla and his dad Sue. If neither of them are around, George is in front. He’s a sweetie with young lambs, often going to check why they are crying, helping them find their mother. Everyone appreciates the silence when they mother up and shut up. Sometimes, even Sue follows him, as Sue is a little more laid back and sure of himself. George is only 2 and a half now, you know. Give him time to mellow.
He’s got great horns, great fleece, great personality, great genetics. He’s related to nearly every sheep on my farm, as his father is my herd sire, Sue. He got his name from the last line of the Johnny Cash song that Sue was named after. “If I ever have a boy, I’ll name him Bill or George! Anything but Sue.” His twin Bill was killed by a coyote this year, and he’s so lonely now without him. They were such close twins, true buddies. When we would bring out hay in the mornings last winter, as soon as the door would open, Bill and George would ceremoniously smash horns, giddy with excitement. “Here comes the hay! Yay! (smash)”
A word of warning. His full sister is named Minx. Don’t leave a gate with an easy latch in front of him, nor do something silly like tie a bow in the twine. He knows where you keep the grain, and can lift a zipper on a hoop house by hooking the bottom on his horn and pulling up. He can figure out mazes of many sorts, so please have very good fencing unless you want him hanging out on your front porch. He’s a home body and will lead a lost flock home. He’s a smart, smart boy.
He has a very good temperament, even in rut season. He’s never butted either Frank nor I. He is aggressive with other rams, as is normal at that time of the year. His father and his grandfather are known for stealing other rams’ ewes. His fertility is guaranteed. I will refund your money if he doesn’t perform, and I feel completely comfortable offering that guarantee.
$300 with papers, $250 without. Delivery available within New England, at cost.