Panic at the Pig Palace

So really. Who is her mama?

Wow did we have pig DRAMA today. Hermione is ready to pop any second, I swear. She looks so uncomfortable, so huge. Ginny found a way back from the horse pasture and went into the Pig Palace, where Hermione pitched a fit to end all fits. Get OUT. Get OUT! From now on, every sow gets her own shed from day one, even sisters. Breaking up a fight between two 600 pound upset critters is a bit scary!

We got Ginny out by remembering the truth about pigs. They are big drama queens, and make a ton of noise, but are really very timid. It’s hard to remember that when they are squealing and screeching and charging. We loaded her up on hay and slop, and I think she was just missing her home and was tired of visiting all the cool places out in the horse pasture.

How cool is Minnie, though? Very sweet, very cool. She checked out the sheep pens today, and had great fun doing it. She zips around the barn yard at an incredible pace, but boy does she come running to me if I call her. She’s not hanging out with the pups as much. She can’t keep up with them, and they keep going out in the snowy fields, while she’d rather check out the sheep manure.

Dear Hermione. Have those piglets already! Tomorrow is the day! Wednesday is supposed to suck.

1 thought on “Panic at the Pig Palace”

  1. A fine bunch of Tamworths you have there. We kept some a few years back but now concentrate purely on Berkshires. I was about to feed one of our sows yesterday morning when she suddenly shivered, looked surprised and popped out a piglet. I’d barely managed to get her to lie down when out came another.

    She wasn’t due until March 24, but that didn’t stop her and we ended up with 12 live piglets from 13. All are suckling well and, of course, drawing the visitors.


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