How many of these critters can you name? If you can name three of them correctly, I will enter you into a drawing for your choice of wild mushrooms, maple syrup or woolie socks. If you can name them all, you win one of those automatically.
We found one quart of last year’s maple syrup, packaged to sell. I have wool socks in many sizes, and about five packages of wild mushrooms left.
Bjarki, Maggie, Disa, Pearl, Prince, Egil, Hermione, Ella Mae, um, um, um….here chick, chick, chick!
Maggie, Tofradis, Bjarki, Hermione, Pomona, Prince, Pearl, Ella Mae, Randy, Venus, Egil, Dandy, Danny, George, Minx, Miguel, Lily, Minerva, Princess… That’s as good as I can do! I loooove woolly socks…..
Maggie and Bajrki the pups, Prince and Pearl the ponies, George and Miguel two of the icelandic sheep! I love your pics!
Randy, Dandy, Disa, Maggie, Bjarki, Miguel, Hermione, George, Prince, Pearl, Princess, Ella Mae
That’s about all i can do without peeking at your pictures!
My feet are really cold so I thought I’d give your contest a whirl & try to win a pair of those wonderful woolies ! I put my answers on the flickr. photo because that’s the only place I could seem to leave notes. Thanks ! I look forward to seeing YOUR notes & who is who at the ‘zoo’ !!
I hope spelling doesn’t count! I see Miss Maggie, Bjarki, Tofradis, horsies Prince and Pearl, Sheepies, ummm… George and…. Gracie? Lilly? Winken, Blinken and Nod? I want some maple syrup!!
Hi Lisa
I see Bjarki (Icelandic Sheepdog) and Maggie (Rescue LGD), a number of different Icelandic Sheep (if they have names, I don’t know them sorry) and the team of horses, who are I believe Pearl and Prince but I don’t know who is who?
If someone else is peeking around in the sheds or on the ground, I have missed them..
Hope I will get entered and perhaps win either socks or some of those amazing mushrooms..
April, you got the most actual names of the critters — send me your shoe size and your address!