Midwinter Slog

We’ve been keeping busy doing unexciting stuff that needs to be done.

Yogurt! We’re slowly drawing down the mass of pig food and yogurt that we got over the holidays. My best guess is that we’ll make it to the end of the month before we have to give the piggies bought food. That said, we’re probably spending two hours/day hauling stuff in to thaw and dumping thawed yogurt into buckets. There is so much packaging that it generates bags and bags of trash! What a mess. We’re also having trouble getting enough liquid water down to the pigs. Everyone else has heated troughs, but the pigs stand in their water and destroy the heaters.

I’ve been putting a lot of time into moving our websites onto the new server. Everything is there and visible. It will be a few more weeks before we get all the kinks out.

Skirting fleece lessons It looks like we’ve sold our backlog of wool (2 years) plus this year’s clip to Kate Pokorny of the Yurt Alert. Lisa found her somehow. She’s building a yurt out of felted wool down in Jaffrey, NH. She was looking for wool that felts easily, and Icelandic wool is perfect for that. (We sell most of our roving to needle felters.) So as the official fleece skirter in this household, it looks like I’ll be skirting it over the next month, while we get ready for sugaring.

We’re also planning to run high tensile across the swamp while it is frozen. Our hope is even our evil sheep will not tangle with a hot wire while they’re actually standing in water. We would then be able to keep our sheep up the road, while keeping birds behind the house.

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