Daylily Farm

All the different varieties they breed. We came home with nine plants, I think.We had a very busy day today, having to run errands here and there, and it seemed like I’d miss the Day Lily Extravaganza at a breeding farm near us. But at the last minute, we pawned off some of the errands on Valerie and made it out there just in time.

Road trip to a day lily breeder, Davis Brook FarmThis is a day lily breeder, Davis Brook Farm, Daylily Farm. They have so many pretty flowers. We came home with nine plants, I think.

I managed to get them planted in the garden and everything already, even though Frank was watching me like I was crazy, because we were getting ready to go out, but there I was, out in the garden, trying to get them into the ground before we left. It’ll be nice to have a bunch of colors besides the ditch lilies I have so many of.

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