It’s a four day weekend this weekend, and we have big plans for the garden. I originally had thought to put my veggie garden in the back of the house, down the slope. Frank was going to terrace it, or something. That area gets the most sun, which vegetables need.
We decided that it’s not really going to work there, however. So we are going to go further down the driveway, which means much clearing of trees. We picked up a massive chipper at the rental place, and spent much of the early evening cutting down the trees that we cut down once before, just before the fire, I think. They’d already grown up fairly tall, but it worked well with Frank’s new weed whacker on steroids thing.
It’s hard to believe that some day that will be my veggie patch. I’m trying not to be overwhelmed with all the work this will be. At least we are starting. I am so afraid that we will spend all this time working here, only to have it come back before we can get our beds in. Our woods grow back on us so quickly.
He cut, I put them in the chipper/shredder thingie, and when we filled the back of the pick-up, we called it a day. Out of shape, we are. Probably only four actual hours of work, but I was very ready to call it a day and have a drink.
We made significant progress though. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. I’m trying hard not to think of the next steps once all the trees and brush is out of there. Bury in cardboard. Cover with pine bark mulch. Build raised beds and fill with organic matter. Hopefully we’ll get that all done this year so it can cook away, and I can plant veggie there next year. Why is it that I’m so desperate to have a spot for veggies anyway?
In just one week post garden tour, and so much more is in bloom. It figures! I’ve been waiting for this yarrow to bloom forever. We have so much wild white yarrow around, I am not sure it will reseed in red, but I am hoping. Isn’t it pretty?