Early September garden

P9060006.jpgOur poor pumpkin! Still huge, and the blossoms are huge, but now we learn that they have to be hand pollinated. I doubt we are even going to get a single pumpkin from this plant. Stupid pumpkin. I wanted to take my own home grown pumpkin to the Keene Pumpkin festival this year.

Chrysler Imperial after the compost. It was orange before. Loam the landscaper called it. Chrysler Imperial after the compost is looking so much better. It was orange before. We remain so upset at the topsoil that we bought from Skip of Artisan Landscapers. He called it “loam”, but really, it’s crap. We’ve lost so many plants because of it, even with all the amending we are trying to do. We just can’t cover enough territory fast enough.

There are clear signs of fall around here. My first asters are blooming. The weaker trees around the edges of the roads are just starting to turn as well. My favorite season, autumn. Something I’d never seen, growing up in the desert.

P9060035.jpgI’m so excited about the honeysuckle. It reached the top of the pergola post today. The blooms haven’t been that spectacular, almost a pale red which doesn’t contrast very well with the wooden post. I composted it pretty heavily today, and I’m hoping the color will darken as it gets healthier. But it’s growing up madly, which it didn’t do last year. Climb, baby, climb.

It’s almost time to start putting the garden to bed.

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