The jollies called me to tell me there was a problem with my order. It seems that the ivy geranium that I ordered don’t fit into the same size box as the other five I ordered, so I could either change the order or pay a partial box penalty of $16. That’s a hard decision! Not so much that it’s unreasonable, but still … it’s real money.
After some nice chatting with them, I decided to switch to Torenia. I got the Blue Moon variety, which sounds very pretty. This is a totally new to me plant, and it’s hard to find pictures of it on the net, but supposedly does well in boxes, and can handle both sun and shade.
Since I’m not getting blue moon lobelia this year (they were out by the time I placed my order, and my seeds aren’t doing so hot), this sounds like it will work out nicely. I love hanging, draping blue flowers.