So very buggy

P5140001.jpgIt is so very buggy and rainy. I keep wanting to go outside and putter at lunch or after work, but between the rain and the bugs, it’s just not very pleasant out there right now.

We’ve had four days of rain in a row, I think. My poor tulips are starting to droop from the weight of it all.

P5140015.jpgThe primrose that we got from the plant swap last spring is blooming. It’s very pretty and I’d like to get more of them. This one is planted near the steps on the way to the bridge.

The ajuga on the opposite side is just starting as well. I’m not sure why the leaves around it are so yellow, though. I’d pulled off all of the dead leaves, but maybe I should have cut it back even further. I’m a bit worried that everywhere this is called a ground cover, but I have just this one clump, and it doesn’t seem to be misbehaving.

P5140012.jpgThe rhododendron are in full bloom today as well. Frank calls these the boring PJMs, but I like them. We never had them in the old garden, but every else has them, and I wanted a few. I mean, I wouldn’t mind some other varieties as well, but I’m glad I have a couple of the old stand-bys as well. I think the lavender color is just wonderful.

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