Big, blue skies

The garden covered in snow. You can just make out the bridge, but the gazebo and pergola dominate.We’re having a heat wave here. It got into the 20s today, and the snow on the roof is even melting a bit from the sun. The gargoyles look even cuter with icicles on them.

Frank is threatening to take me outside to work on cutting trees or something if the heat wave continues tomorrow. After days of not going above zero, it’s funny how warm it really does feel now.

The stonewall is still visible, and the blue tractor sure shows up well against the snow.Big blue skies and bright white snow make for really pretty pictures, though.

I haven’t been doing much in the way of even garden planning lately. Our post office box is filled with catalogs, though, and I keep meaning to look at them. I just want to pace myself I think.

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