Little Lame Lamb

120_2099_JFR.jpgEverything looks so pretty, crisp and colorful today. The colors of the leaves against the big blue sky is something that I just can’t get enough of.

It’s amazing how calming the sheep are, too. Wendy showed up with the last little lame lamb. She was injured when she was sheered this fall. A tendon on her leg was cut, pretty badly. There’s something wrong with her splint, so we’re going to take her back to the vet today. There’s nothing quite as pitiful as a little lame lamb trying to follow her mama, limping and calling out to the herd. The herd is quite mean to her, actually. She’s getting butted and rammed by everyone except her mama.

121_2104_JFR.jpgI’m a bit sad that this almost leap into homesteading and living off the land is turning out to be something we’re not quite ready for. We’d hoped to be able to not have outside jobs by the spring, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. We’re just not ready, and we don’t quite know enough about what we’re doing. We still have so much to learn, and need so much more infrastructure to make it all work. So I’m going to take a job for very good money that requires me to live there a lot of the time. It is going to suck, I know. I’m really, really sad. I cannot describe how much it hurts to know I’m not really going to live here for the next few years. But it will make “here” still be our farm, so it is worth the sacrifice.

120_2097_JFR.jpgSpeaking of infrastructure, Frank had a sudden rush of brains to the head and madly covered the edges of the garden shed foundations, before really bad things happen because the concrete blocks are hollow. If rain or snow gets in there, the freeze/thaw cycle will crack the blocks. Hopefully the wood he put across the top will keep out the water and all will be well.

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