
We finished clearing out a lot of brush out in the future veggie garden patch today. But it’s wetter today than yesterday, and we’re sore from doing all of it yesterday, so didn’t get as much done as we thought we would.

Geez — even when the trees are cut and the brush is done, we then have to terrace it out there, for sure. It’s much too steep, even if it is a gentle slop and all. Frank’s decided that he has to cut a path for the tractor on the far west side, because he wants to pull a couple of those trees out as saw logs, rather than cut it all for firewood.

I’m not sure yet what we’re going to do about the stumps. I hate the way pastures look with the stumps still out there. Yuck. Everything but the evergreen stumps will start to grow again, turning it into a jungle. So hopefully we’ll get it under control enough to be able to at least mow whatever grows until we can start the terracing.

Once Frank gets a path in for the big tractor, he’ll be able to haul in some rocks for the retaining walls. But I want the levels wide enough to do some serious veggie gardening.

0415_002.jpg It is still snow covered over most of the side yard. The landscaping lights look so cool and eerie coming through the snow at night.

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