Watching the snow melt

0421_004.jpg The future veggie garden patch has really cleared up quite a bit. We got out there today and did a lot more brush clearing. What a big difference a week makes. Frank didn’t actually cut any more trees down, I don’t think, but we spent all of our time just clearing the branches from the ones he’d cut down last week. I must confess I didn’t help much. I was probably only out there an hour or so. Taking pictures was more fun, and I stayed in the basement and worked on my little seedlings.

The front of the house is really starting to show. It’s an amazing difference — you can see the new stone work around the island in the center of the circle driveway. I saw the tips of something green. Frank thinks it might be daffodils, but my guess is daylilies. And I think all the snow is finally off of the roof now. We can actually go through the front door without dodging the dripping roof, yay. The cats are really enjoying hanging out on the upstairs balcony, too.

The side yard is just amazing, really. Still snow covered, but you can tell it’s on the last legs. The pond and bridge and waterfall area is quite beautiful with just the little bit of snow all over it. The pergola is almost all showing. During the height of the winter, the snow was up over half way to the top. The well was completely covered, as was the bridge. There isn’t much stone work showing yet in terms of pathways and such, unfortunately. But soon, I bet. I can’t wait!

0421_008.jpgI did six more window boxes today. Jer is coming over later today. He hasn’t seen the new house since mid-construction, so all of the deck and landscaping will be new to him. It is supposed to rain tonight, too. I wonder how much, and if that will be good for the yard or not. I’m worried that too quick of a melt down will be bad for the new lawn. They seeded so late last year that I’m afraid all that top soil will just wash away with any real water flow over it.

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