Mid-summer Update

20010721_0003_web.jpg I said the other day that ditch lilies weren’t flowers from my childhood. Lantana was, though. In El Paso, it wasn’t an annual, and the bushes grew five feet tall and were everywhere. There was one stretch of highway that had miles and miles of it, and I loved it drive on it when it was all in bloom for the first time each year.

20010721_0016_web.jpg Frank got the lawn tractor stuck pushing how far near the edge he should go. I laughed at him and took pictures instead of helping him because I am just that kind of wife. I was happy to see the lawn getting mowed at all, though. It’s been either really hot or really muggy and really buggy lately. It’s July, so that’s no surprise.

20010721_0019_web.jpg I got a bunch of these little critters for the garden, molded out of composted manure from the zoo. They are really cute, and will eventually degrade with the rain, slowly over the years. They are called Zoo Doo. What a clever idea. I got them in a bunch of sizes, and put them in all of the main flower beds. Our soil needs all the help it can get.

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