Fall is here

P9240005.jpgFall is officially here. The air is decidedly nippy tonight. I thought we might actually be in for the first freeze of the year, but I guess my blood just hasn’t thickened up yet. But so many of the fall plants are out in full force in the garden. The burning bushes are almost at peak, already, which feels early to me. Frank thinks the plants aren’t all that healthy, though, so maybe that’s why they are so far gone. Still, they are very pretty.

My silly morning glories are just coming out now. I’m barely going to be able to enjoy them before they get nipped by a frost. Where I grew up, they grew like weeds, and I’d hoped to get these guys to grow all along the bridge railing this year. I think I’m going to try to start them from seed in the basement next year.

P9240003.jpgMy asters are out in full bloom right now. These are such a New England thing. All the roadsides are filled with the wild ones, a much paler, less showy plant. But I love these guys. I’ve got one which is supposedly a dark purple about to bloom, and just can barely wait to see it.

P9240006.jpgMy crab apples and sedum are also at peak. These are yet another thing that I never had growing up, and just love them. I do this every season, though, huh? Look, it’s blooming! As if that’s a surprise. But it is! We grew these, we shaped it. I’m still proud of myself for it not all dying and getting overgrown with weeds. Someday that too will feel normal.

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