It was too cold to do more than just walk around in the garden last night, measuring out the future veggie patch and poking around. So instead, I came inside and browsed through some online water plants sites.
I guess one of the lessons we’ve learned from all of the dead fish is that we really need more pond plants, in case there was too much waste in the water for the fish to survive. (It’s still probably just not deep enough for them, but the algae growth tells us we need more plants as well.)
Pond plants have been notoriously expensive around us, though. We see things that we think should be five or ten dollars priced at thirty, and we’re just not willing to pay that much for them. Frank found a place online, though, which is far more reasonable. I promptly spent $160 ordering everything they had for zone 4. I can’t wait until they get here.
Pink flowers
Grows to 4 feet
Zone 4
(Hmm. After I ordered this, I discovered it’s common name is Rose Mallow. I don’t really like Rose Mallow. They look very weedy to me, and I have them all over. No wonder they are cheap! Oh well. Maybe this will be a more cultivated variety. I can hope.)
Intense Red Flower August-October
Grows to 2 feet
Hardy Zone 4
(Who knew they could be planted in the margins of the pond? Partial shade, they say? Maybe near the bridge?)
Coiled foliage
Zone 4
Pink Blooms
Grows 12-24″ high
Zone 4 when established (I wonder what that means, and what I’m supposed to do in the meantime? I need to read up on that.)
Blooms have pink tip, paling, veins red, base pale yellow. Pleasant fragrance
Plant height 3-4 feet
Blooms last up to a week, older blooms sometimes stay open all night.
Zone 4 once it is established.
Mixed White Hybrid
(We already have pink, red and yellow, so a white sounded pretty.)
Deep red flowers once plant is established.
This lily is good for small ponds, or tub gardens. Plant spread 2-4 ft.
Needs full sun for maximum blooms.
Does best in zones 3-7.
Small green floating plant, looks like confetti, sometimes fish love to eat this plant.
Bulb type plant that floats on the water.
Beautiful purple flowers, nice green leaves.
(Carol gave me one of these as a gift in 2001, and I loved it, but never did figure out how to get it through the winter. This year, I want to try putting it in the basement or maybe a hanging pot by the kitchen sink filled with water. So pretty.)